CVC Exchange Student Refund Policy
Refund for dropped CVC California Virtual Campus-OEI class
If you are enrolled as a student through California Virtual Campus-OEI, you will need to drop the unwanted class by following the CVC-OEI process. Visit the CVC-OEI website for assistance.
- After you have dropped the class, please wait one day before requesting your refund.
- Students will be eligible for a refund if you drop the class within the refund deadline, become eligible for the California College Promise Grant or the department cancels the class..
Apply For Refund
- Complete the CVC Refund Request Form and email to .
- .Allan Hancock College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:
- If you have BankMobile at your home school (CVC-OEI students), you will create a new profile with your Allan Hancock College email and have two BankMobile profiles.
- If you do not have a BankMobile refund preference set up at the time of your refund request, a paper check refund will be processed within 30 days.