Club Registration Form & Membership List
Allan Hancock College Club Charter
New Club Fund Request Form
Club Constitution Template
Independent Contractor/Professional Service Agreement
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Fundraising Proposal - Club Fund
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Event Planning Committee Checklist
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Room Request Form / Instructions to Maintenance
List of Clubs
- A Blue Campaign (ABC)
- Active MInds at AHC
- Allan Hancock College Photographic Society
- Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS) Aquarius Chapter
- American Institute of Architect Students (AIAS)
- American Sign Language Club
- Anime and Manga Club
- Astra Club
- Astronoimy Club
- Banda Club
- Beyond Incarceration Greater Education (B.I.G.E.)
- Black Student Union
- Board Games Club
- The Book Club
- Bulldog Rec-ing Club
- Bulldog Tennis & Racket Sports Club
- Campus Conservative Club
- Ceramics Club
- Chess Club
- Circle K International
- Computer Science Club
- Cru at Hancock
- Drama Club
- Dream Club
- Eco Revive Club
- Fashion and Design Club
- Film Club
- Hiking Club
- Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN) Club
- MIddle Eastern North African (MENA) Club
- Nutrition and Wellness Club
- Poetry and Prose Club
- Pride Alliance Club
- Registered Nursing (RN) Club
- Robotics Club
- Rodeo Team
- Science and Engineering Club
- Studio Arts Club
- Tippy House Club
- Tooth Fairy Club
- Video Gaming Club
- Viticulture and Enology Club
- Volleyball Club
- Women in Engineering & AC
- Young Farmers and Ranchers Club
A Blue Campaign (ABC): is a dedicated and compassionate organization focused on combating human trafficking and offering vital support to its victims. With a deep commitment to raising awareness about this global issue, ABC engages in various educational and outreach activities to inform the public about thr realities and dangers of human trafficking. Beyond awareness, the club serves as a sanctuary for survivors, providing them with a safe haven where they can receive care, support, and resources to rebuild their lives. ABC's mission is to create a world where freedom and safety are broken through collective action, compassion, and empowerment.
Advisor: Weston Guerra -
President: Jason Friedman
Active Minds at Allan Hancock College: is an official student-led chapter of Actve Minds. Our goal is to lead conversation, cultural change, and advocacy to serve the needs of our communities, and create a campus culture supportive of mental health through policy change, promotion of services, awareness and community building events. We are proud to be part of a network of over 500+ campus chapters nationwide.
Advisor: Alex de Jouge, MSN, RN, PHN -
President: Andrew Limon
Allan Hancock College Photographic Society: a place for phptographers to gather and collaborate with one another. The club aims to help fellow photographers try different photography techniques to build a repertoire and for club members to share their work and have it displayed on campus.
Advisor: Shane Anderson -
President: Manuel Barajas
Alpha Gamma Sigma (A.G.S.) Aquarius Chapter: is an honorary statewide community college organization whose goal is to foster, maintain, promote, and recognize scholastic achievement and service by students at the local college level. Membership is available for those who qualify scholastically by application. This club is affiliated with the state-wide Alpha Gamma Sigma, Incorporated. Apply online. Email us at or visit us on Facebook at
Advisor, Kathryn Voltmer -
Advisor: Michael Serpa -
President: Ora Shrecengost
American Institute of Architect Students (AIAS): to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice by fostering
an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines to enrich communities in spirit
of collaboration and to organize students and combine efforts to advance the art and
science of architecture. This club is affliated with the American Institute of Architect
Students National Organization. ;
Advisor: Daniel Pena-Sosa -
President: Jet Wu
American Sign Language Club: to provide a means for students to connect through the medium of American Sign Language. To help those with a passion to learn it and to raise awareness in the Allan Hancock College Community of the the language ASL,deaf etiquette, and the needs of the deaf community.
Advisor: Maria Rivera -
Co-Advisor: Jennie Morales -
President: Kitana Fleming
Anime and Manga Club: to promote the knowledge and appreciation of Japanese animation (anime) and of Japanese cartoon publication (manga) through discussion of anime and manga related topics. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Mechanics Bank Student Center in room G-106 A.
Advisor: Sian Geraghty -
President: MIchael Acosta
Astra Club: to make a positive difference in the world by providing leadership for the care and enrichment of those in need by participating in and organizing various service projects for a better community. This club is affiliated with Altrusa International.
Advisor: Clint Freeland -
Co-President: Andrea Salazar Lua
Co- President: Alina Bojorges
Astronomy Club: aims to provide a welcoming environment focused on the culivation of knowledge and the spread of curiosity for all forms of people who take an interest in any level of astronomy.
Advisor: Vincent Tobin -
President: Emilio Benitez Aguinaga
Banda Club: to form a grouo of musicians to play music in the style of mexican banda and to spread cultural awareness of the genre and it's styles.
Advisor: Christopher Diaz -
President: Emmanuel Meza Beas
Beyond Incarceration Greater Education (B.I.G.E.): to bring awareness to the students of AHC that formerly incarcerated students have a voice here on campus.
Advisor: Lexy C'onrad -
Co- Advisor: Lynn Becerra -
President: Ruben Regalado
Black Student Union: to bring everyone together and provide a safe place where they can share their experience as people of color, to gain support and to create new friendships.
Advisor: Dr. Earl Murray -
Co-Advisor: Xavier Ortiz
President: Gifti Tefera
Board Games Club: to build a fun and relaxing space for student to destress by playing board games in a casual environment where new players and veteran players engage in this amazing hobby together.
Advisor: Sian Geraghty -
President James Spencer
The Book Club: to bring together people who enjoy reading to discuss and connect by reading a chosen book and then meeting to talk about what they read, The club will meet monthly for the discussion and to choose the next book to read.
Advisor: Christopher Sprecher -
Co Advisor: Isabela Alvarado -
President: Angela Ruiz
Bulldog Rec-ing: to create a plece for those in the Recreation Management field to come together and share ideas and have fun and to provide support to those who major in Recreation Management and in transferring to a university
Advisor: Chuck Provencio -
President: Jesse Aldaco
Bulldog Tennis & Racket Sports Club: to promote healthy lifestyles by organizing practices, compettitons, and events through tennis and other racket sports to facilitate and maintain active club relationships with appropriate local, state, and national organizations and programs.
Advisor Chuck Provencio -
President: Thomas Angelos
Campus Conservative Club: to educate and inform students about conservatism through the advancement of principles of the conservative movement on issues that affect our daily lives and liberty.
Advisor: Fred Patrick -
President: Ora Shrecengost
Cermanics Club: serves to support the education and exploration of the art and diversity,of artistic practices, artisanship, and technical craft of ceramics beyond the scope of the classroom environment.
Advisor: Gregory Byard -
President- Jessica Negrere
Chess Club: to generate interested in the game of chess on campus and provide an environment for students to play, regardless of skill level.
Advisor: Dominic Dal Bello -
Co-Advisor: Bryce Miyahara -
President: Ariel Ruiz
Circle K International: to develop college students into responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service, provide opportunities for fellowship, personal growth, professional development, and leadership skills. This club is affliated with Kiwanis International. The club meets every Mondays in Mechanics Bank Student Center in room G-103 from 12;20 to 12:50 p.m. Everyone is welcome. No requirements to join.
Advisor: Donna Beal -
President: Josue Montano
Computer Science Club: to engage students who are interested in the computer science field to sharpen and continually practice their skills.
Advisor: Michael Wagner -
President: Bastian Slater-Tyler
Cru at Hancock: to give an opportunity for everyone to know the person Jesus Christ. Seeking to be a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ by offering spiritual discussions, uplifting social gatherings, and personal development opportunities.
Advisor: Ron Lovell -
President: Brian Lopez
Drama Club: to develop a learning community at AHC for student actors interested in improving their acting skills.
Advisor: Emily Dominguez -
President: Maxx Hanneman
Dream Club: mission is to promote the available resources at Allan Hancock College and also provide financial help to those who do not receive any from the college because of their migrant status.
Advisor: Mayra Morales -
Co-Advisor: Amaila Jimenez-Chavez -
President: Rubi Basurto
Eco Revive Club: to create a space for an ecological-friendly community to collaborate on ideads to improve the environment by beautifying roads, parks, forests, beaches, and other public spaces.
Advisor: Erin Krier -
President: Elmer Ramirez
Fashion and Design Club: to support students who share a love for Fashion and Design and in pursuing a career in the industry and to promote and publicize the Fashion and Design major on campus.
Advisor: Megan Selby -
President: Kuntaya Raya Intarakeha
Film Club: to encourage creativity and opportunity to enhance the educational experience for those seeking to get into the film industry.
Advisor: Chris Hite -
Co-Advisor: Tim Webb -
President: Sebastian Jasso
The Hiking Club: to attract Allan Hancock College students in acheiving benefits of physical fitness while enjoying the natural environment.
Advisor:Erin Krier -
President: Tyler Pratt
LIcensed Vocational Nursing Club (LVN Club) - to support the LVN Program students in reaching their education and career goals.
Advisor: Shavaun Maxson -
President: Rachael Belunza
MIddle Eastern North African Club (MENA) - to build community and suppport for students with Middle Eastern and North African Descent.
Advisor: Renad Hamed -
President: Dannah Dizayee
Nutrition and Wellness Club: to promote nutrition awareness and educate members on various nutrition topics.
Advisor: Christine Bisson -
Co-Advisor: Ron Lovell -
President: Edgar Alvarado
The Poetry and Prose Club: is a place for anyone to gather and share their work whether you are new or experienced or you simply like the sound of poetry being read. It is a safe and inclusive place for like minded students to grow, explore, and share their creativity and receive feedback from fellow peers as well as guest faculty,
Advisor: Sharaya Olmeda -
Co-Advisor: Alina Romo -
President: Abigail Craddock
Pride Alliance Club: will serve as an open forum for students of all sexual orientations to meet and discuss issues related to sexual orientation and gender identities. Pride Alliance will also function as a support group for those students who identify as, are questioning, or are struggling with their identity as a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Pride alliance will work to end homophobia and transphobiaia as well as contribute to building a sense of community on campus and lessen the isolation that LGBTQIA2S+ students might otherwise experience.
Advisor: LeeAnne McNulty -
Co-Advisor: Maggie Moreton -
Co-Advisor: Frankie Maldonado -
Co-Advisor: Ryan Meza -
Co-Advisor: Henry Schroff -
President: Matthew Denison
Registered Nursing Club (RN Club) : is established to promote and support students pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Nursing through the RN program, and provide positive reinforcement among their peers and students while being an advocate for nursing education.
Advsior: Megan McComas - megan.mccomas@hancockcollege,edu
President: Ashley Dela Vega
Robotics Club: to give student opportunitiy paticipate in a hands-on STEM program by building, perfecting, and competing with robots. This club participates in the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center's Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competitions.
Advisor: Justin Rucker -
Co-Advisor: Bryce Miyahara -
President: Dylan Martin
Rodeo Team: to attract, guide, and support collegiate rodeo team contestants through coaching instruction and student collaboration. Additionally the club is to increase interest in and awareness of college rodeo opportunities.
Advisor: Erin Krier -
President: Ashli Oliver
Science and Engineering Club: to connect with industry professionals to expand student education and promote camaraderie and communication within the Science and Engineering departments by organizing lectures, peer advising, fundraisers, ASBG event participation, and field trips.
Advisor: Jim Houlis -
C0-President: Rubi Basurto Benito
The Studio Arts Club: is here to nurture students who share a love of and interest in the studio arts -drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and mixed media. We aim to support students with these interests by: 1. providing a SAFE and welcoming space for EVERYONE to express themselves, 2. increasing exposure for student artists on campus, and 3. nurturing connections and collaboration among students, as well as between students and alumni in the studio arts fields.
Advisor: Adrienne Allebe -
President: Kitana Fleming
Tippy House Club: to bring the community together through showcasing art and music brought by the young individuals of the central coast.
Advisor: Luke Blacquierre -
President: Johana Diaz
Tooth Fairy Club: to assist and support the dental assisting students in reaching their educational and career goals through outreach and promotion of dentistry and oral health in the community.
Advisor: Amy Gisclon -
President: Tiffany Yang
Turning Point USA: to educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and constitutional rights through innovative campus activisim and non parrtisan thought provoking discussion.
Advisor: Frederic Patrick -
Co-President: Hailey Liles
Co-President: Carleigh McCracken
Video Gaming Club - to build and connect a video gaming community through promoting sportmanship through friendly competition and stimulating solidarity support through embolding fellow gamers to build a positive image of video gaming in a constructive setting.
Advisor: Melanie Guido Brunet -
President: Vacant
Viticulture and Enology Club: to foster student integration, cooperation, and team building skills associated with viticulture and enology..
Advisor: Alfredo Koch -
President: Jessica Fernandez
Volleyball Club: to promote the sport of volleyball on the Allan Hancock College campus and in the community as well as promoting good health. wellness, and social activities through volleyball.
Advisor: Chuck Provencio -
President: Isaac Nava
Women in Engineering & AC - to build and support a community of women who are majoring in Engineeting, Architecture, and Computer Science.
Advisor: Angelica Eulloqui -
President: Ruth Amaya
Young Farmers and Ranchers Club: to attract, support, and empower future Farm Bureau leaders through industry collaborations and to increase increase interest in and awareness of agricultural opportunities and to support and promote the Allan Hancock College agriculture program along with its student garden and fruit orchard. This club is associated with the Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau.
Advisor: Erin Krier -
President: Sadie Veino