Your Future is Promising!
The Hancock Promise provides local high school graduates with two years of free tuition at Allan Hancock College! The Promise is open to all students who enroll at Hancock
immediately after graduating from a high school located in the Allan Hancock Joint
Community College District. Students who are home-schooled or completed their GED
through a local adult education program within the district (GED and HiSET graduates)
are also eligible.
Benefits for students include:
- More than $2,400 in tuition and fees saved during the first two years at Allan Hancock College
- Early registration for classes
- Personalized counseling for academic success
- Free tutoring and other academic support services
Questions? Contact the Hancock Promise:
Phone: 805-922-6966 ext. 3264
Text: 805-849-2349
Hancock Promise Awarding:
Awards will be posted only once all of the requirements for establishing eligbility for the Hancock Promise are met. Establishing eligibility requirements can be found under the High School Senior and Adult School Student tab on the Hancock Promise home page.
Summer Tuition and Fees- Hancock Promise awards will begin posting 1-2 weeks after summer classes have started
Fall Tuition and Fees- Hancock Promise awards will begin posting 3-4 weeks after fall classes have started
Winter/Spring Tuition and Fees- Hancock Promise awards will begin posting 3-4 weeks after spring classes have started
What kind of Hancock Promise student are you?
High School Senior & Adult School StudentI am currently in High School or adult school and will graduate this year.
First-Year Promise StudentI have been awarded the Hancock Promise and will be starting my first year of College at Hancock.
Second-Year Promise StudentI have completed my first year of college as a Promise student.
Resources for Promise Students
Apart from the financial assistance the Hancock Promise offers, incoming Promise Students
also have access to additional campus resources.
Click the links below to find out how to access:
- Applications for support programs and services
- Academic Counseling
- Basic Needs Center
- Books for Bulldogs – Textbook Lending Program
- Career support services
- Financial Aid
- Free health services
- Free laptops and graphing calculators
- Free printing, tutoring, and other academic support services
- Housing and food resources
- Library programs including book lending and research assistance