Tutoring & Office Hour Schedule
Important Announcement: Email bryce.miyahara@hancockcollege.edu if you have any problems with our Zoom call. Thank you.
Zoom Link for Remote Drop-in Tutoring: 929 0398 7294
Please note that if you plan to connect to our tutors remotely, you will need to be using a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android device. If you have any questions, please email bryce.miyahara@hancockcollege.edu for assistance.
As a MESA/STEM student at AHC, it is very important that your academics are a top priority. Transferring to university will be significantly easier if you earn the best grades that you possibly can in your courses. The extra efforts you can make every week to maximize your opportunities to earn high marks in your classes will pay off for you in the end.
Poor grades result in loss of priority registration, scholarship, internship, and access to class enrollment. We hope you do not put yourself in that position.
The MESA/STEM Academic Success Center is here to help! We provide STEM course tutoring every weekday, as well as Review Sessions and Organized Study Groups. Studies show that students who regularly participate in these services do significantly better academically than students who choose not to take part.
Review Sessions and Organized Study Groups are weekly cooperative learning sessions that are offered in conjunction with core STEM courses in math, computer science, biology, physics, engineering, and chemistry. Designed to enhance student understanding, they feature peer-facilitated group work on problems at the level of course instruction.
Take good care of your academic health and remember:
Tutoring is a vitamin, not an aspirin. Engage in it on a regular basis to maintain your academic health; not just when you are in academic pain.