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Welcome to the AHC Foundation

The Allan Hancock College Foundation has been a resource for thousands of Allan Hancock College students since 1977. Whether a student needs workforce training, plans to transfer to a four-year university or college, or is looking for personal enrichment, the foundation is there to help make it possible.

Our purpose is to ensure college for all, to ensure that finances are never an obstacle to starting or completing a college education at Hancock. It’s a big, bold claim, one that will take many years and millions of dollars to achieve. It’s a purpose that will orient our planning and work for the foreseeable future and will pull us forward toward a hopeful and necessary future.  

As we look to the future, the Foundation will continue to support student success and provide the same kind of opportunities that have benefited more than eight decades of alumni. We invite you to participate. Together, we can fulfill our audacious purpose: to ensure college for all!  

Read about the Foundation and its programs in the 2024/25 Impact Report.



Our Purpose

Ensuring College for All


Our Principles

Student Success
Provide support for access, affordability, 
and positive student outcomes
Community Engagement 
Advocate for the College and Foundation,
extend hospitality, welcome new voices
Innovation & Creativity
Reframe challenges, craft creative
solutions, focus on the future
Transparency & Integrity
Provide access to public records, honor
donor intent, operate beyond reproach