The Allan Hancock College Foundation has been a resource for thousands of Allan Hancock College students since 1977. Whether a student needs workforce training, plans to transfer to a four-year university or college, or is looking for personal enrichment, the foundation is there to help make it possible to “Start Here, Go Anywhere”.
The Foundation has raised funds over the years that have changed lives through education by touching every aspect of the College’s life, including scholarships, programs, projects, and faculty and staff development. Each gift has moved the college forward.
As we look to the future, the Foundation will continue to support student success and provide the same kind of opportunities that have benefited more than eight decades of alumni. We invite you to participate.
Read about the Foundation and its programs in the 2023/24 Impact Report.
Our Purpose
Ensuring College for All
Our Principles
Transparency & Integrity
Provide access to public records, honor
donor intent, operate beyond reproach