FAQs About the Foundation
Yes. The foundation offers maximum tax advantages under state and Federal law.
Yes. In June 1977, the foundation was certified by the state of California as a non-profit corporation. In August 1977, the foundation was determined to be exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your instructions to the foundation are considered to be legally binding by these certifications. In addition, the college has been serving the communities of the District for nearly 90 years. You can be sure of two things. One, the foundation will be here for future generations of students. And two, it will still be carrying out your wishes.
No gift is too small. Every gift makes a difference. You can designate any gift. If you wish to support the scholarship program, you can do so with a gift of any size. You can also create an annual scholarship with a gift of $500.
Students and the community are the true beneficiaries of all the fundraising campaigns. Each gift ensures that there will be additional resources to provide quality education for students in our community today and in the future.
Gifts of appreciated stock, mutual funds, bonds, ETF's or real estate can be made. You may contact the Foundation office at 805-925-2004 or by email at ahcfoundation@hancockcollege.edu.
Yes. Some of the reasons to give a bequest to the foundation include:
- We have deep roots in the college and the community.
- Our staff and community volunteers have expertise regarding student needs and opportunities.
- We help people create a personal legacy by establishing permanent funds in their name.
- We offer maximum tax advantages under state and federal law.
- We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever.