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Consumer Information Disclosures

In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at Allan Hancock College. Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it can be obtained or is hyperlinked: 

Admissions Information

Prospective students interested in applying for admission to Allan Hancock College may obtain information about eligibility requirements, application filing periods and deadlines, and the application process by visiting Admissions and Records.

Annual Security Report (Clery) 

Annual Clery Reports can be obtained by contacting the College District Police Department at 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3652 or by viewing the Clery report online. The report includes statistics concerning crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the college and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus.

Athletic Participation Rates and Financial Support Data

This disclosure provides information on the number and gender of students participating in the intercollegiate athletic competitions and on each team. Also included is the information on coaches, coach salaries, and the revenues and expenses associated with each sport.

Questions? Please contact the Kinesiology Office at 1-805-922-6966, extension 3227.

College Navigator

The College Navigator (, provided by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, helps prospective students find the right college. The website allows users to refine their search and export results, build a list of schools and compare them, and save their session. Interactive features include school location maps and cost calculators. Additional resources to prepare for college and careers are also provided.

Copyright Infringement 

Allan Hancock College complies with all federal regulations including the TEACH Act. Students and staff are prohibited from using the Allan Hancock College network to illegally download or share music, videos or other copyrighted materials. In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and Digital Millennium Copyright Act, college administrators may be obligated to provide to copyright holders and law enforcement officials information about AHC network users who have violated the law. There may be both civil and criminal penalties and fines for copyright violations. For questions pertaining to copyright issues, please contact the associate dean, learning resources, at 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3475.

Cost and Consumer Information 

The following resources are provided to assist students and their families with calculating the likely costs of attendance:

The average net price of attending AHC —the total cost of attendance minus the average amount of federal, state/local government, or institutional grant or scholarship aid—is available on the College Navigator website.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

This disclosure provides information on Allan Hancock College compliance with Title 34 C.F.R. 668.14 that requires notice to all students, faculty and employees concerning its drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. Annual Clery Reports can be obtained by contacting the Campus Police at 1-805-922-6966 or by accessing the College Police District website.

Student Health Services provides educational materials and wellness events that provide information regarding drug and alcohol use. Mental health counselors are available for intervention and assistance with students who have a concern or question regarding their drug or alcohol use. Referrals to community resources are also available. 

Questions? Please contact the Student Health Services at 1-805-922-6966, extension 3212.

Drug Violation Consequences

Students with criminal convictions have limited eligibility for federal student aid. Please visit the Federal Student Aid website for more information.

Emergency Management 

Visit the emergency page on the college Police District webpage for information regarding immediate emergency response and evacuation procedures.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

This disclosure informs students of their rights and the college's policies and procedures concerning access to and privacy of student educational records. Information on FERPA is published in the following locations:

Financial Assistance

This disclosure provides information on all available federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial need-based and non-need-based assistance programs.

Financial Assistance Available to Students:

Questions? Please contact the Financial Aid Office at 1-805-922-6966, extension 3200.

General Information Contacts

Each of the disclosures on this webpage links to relevant offices that include contact information for additional specific information and paper copies upon request.

Health Services for Students

Student Health Services handles a wide range of health-related situations including emergency first aid, illness/injury assessment, student insurance and health education programs.

Student Health Services provides students with medical services, health counseling, crisis and personal counseling, and appropriate referrals to community resources. 

Services in the health office are provided free of charge to currently registered students in credit courses, with the exception of lab testing, and referral service fees charged by outside agencies.

Questions? Please contact the Student Health Services at 1-805-922-6966, extension 3212.

Identity Theft

This disclosure certifies that the AHC Admissions and records office has systems to identify and resolve discrepancies in information received from different sources including the use of false identities. Suspected violators will be referred to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education.

Institutional Information for Allan Hancock College

This disclosure provides general information related to Allan Hancock College including, but not limited to: cost of attendance, procedures to withdraw from school, refund policies, return of Title IV funds, academic programs, accrediting agencies, special services for disabled students, study abroad, and availability of employees responsible for the dissemination of this information. To request a paper copy of any disclosure, please contact the appropriate office(s) listed below.

The College Catalog, both the current and archived editions, is available online.

More specific information is available through the following web links or by calling 1-805-922-6966 to connect to the desired department or office.

Instructional Facilities

Current and prospective students and their parents can become familiar with the instructional, laboratory and physical facilities of Allan Hancock College by taking a campus tour.

You can schedule a tour by visiting the Campus Cruise webpage.

Mission Statement

Allan Hancock College exists to enable students to realize their educational goals. For the full text, please see Mission, Values, and Vision.

Required Reports

Textbook Information

Contact the AHC Bookstore at 805-922-2391.

Title IV Disbursements Contract Disclosure

As part of the Department of Education regulations governing Title IV disbursements, institutions are required to conspicuously disclose on the institution's website the contract(s) establishing the Tier One (T1) arrangement between the institution and third-party servicer (34 CFR 668.164(e)(2)(vi)).

View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.

Title IX Statement

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Allan Hancock College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in academic, educational, extracurricular, and athletic programs and activities. Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sexual harassment and violence, which are forms of sex discrimination.

Annual Clery Reports can be obtained by contacting the Campus Police at 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3652 or by accessing the College Police District website.

Transfer Course Information

Transferable courses are those designated for baccalaureate credit by the regionally accredited college or university offering the courses and accepted as such by the campus to which the applicant seeks admission. For transfer information, visit our University Transfer Center (UTC) page.

Voter Registration 

The Office of the Secretary of State and the college are committed to making voter information forms and online registration available.

Related Resources

Withdrawal from Institution

Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the college's official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal college procedures may result in an obligation to pay tuition and other fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses.

Related Resources