Books for Bulldogs is a free service that allows currently enrolled AHC students to borrow textbooks for an entire semester.
To request a book from the Books for Bulldogs program, follow these steps in the Library Catalog:
- Type in your book title, course or keyword into the search box
- Select Books for Bulldogs from the drop-down list in the box
- Click the magnifying glass to search
- Locate your book in the list of search results and click the title
- Verify this is the correct course and textbook you need
- Click Sign-in in the yellow box to log-in to your library account with your AHC credentials
- Select the book by clicking Request
- Choose your pick-up location and Submit
- You will receive an email with instructions for pickup if your request is accepted
For more information about how to place a book hold request please click our libguide here .
Rules and Guidelines:
- Your Allan Hancock College student ID is your library card. Your ID must be current and you must have the physical or mobile scannable ID available through your to check out anything from the library.
- Currently enrolled AHC students are eligible to borrow textbooks.
- Three (3) textbooks limited per student.
- There is no guarantee that requested textbooks will be available, as textbook supply is limited.
- The program does not carry access codes or course packets.
- Book orders are filled in the order requests are received.
Textbook requests for Spring 2025 semester open in the library catalog Monday January 13th at 8:00am. You will receive an email with pickup instructions when the request is successfully placed.
Students enrolled in spring semester may pick-up textbooks for their classes at the Santa Maria Campus at the following times during library closure:
Monday 13th January: 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m.
Tuesday 14th January: 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m.
Wednesday 15th January: 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m.
Thursday 16th January: 8:30a.m.-3:30p.m.
Friday 17th January: 10:00a.m.-2:30p.m.
Also note that the library in Santa Maria now offers students the option of using our external locker system that is avaiable 24/7. Just choose SM-Lockers as your pickup location during the request process.
Items not picked up after one week on the hold shelf will be placed back into the collection.