The group will be facilitated by AHC Male Faculty Counselors who are trained to assist
in exploring men’s issues such as:
- College Success Skills
- Careers and Job Relocation
- Parenting & Relationships
- Self-Motivation
- Culture & Identity
- Stress Management
The goal of this group is to help our Male Students increase their completion rate at Allan Hancock College. We know it’s not easy to do this alone. So, sign up and receive support during this semester. Participants will benefit from the following:
- book vouchers
- field trips
- school supplies
- gas cards
- community & camaraderie
- mentoring
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are Mondays from 3:30- 5 p.m.
- Feb. 10
- Feb. 24
- March 10
- March 24
- April 7
- April 14
- April 28
- May 5
How to Join
View Mens Success Group photos
You will then be contacted by a counselor for an interview
I have been a part of the MSG since day one. These groups of men have encouraged me to achieve goals I had only dreamed of! Thank you Dr. Hernandez, Mr. Navarrette, and Mr. Freeland for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. Dream Big, Sky's the Limit!
- Arturo "Cheech" Raygoza
Since joining the Men’s Support Group at Allan Hancock College, I have been able to push forward in my educational goals with the inspiration and support of my fellow brothers.
- Bobby Bablou
If you are interested in learning more about the Men’s Support Group, please visit the Allan Hancock College Counseling department, or contact:
Clint Freeland
David Hernandez
José Millan