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Student Learning Outcomes: Student Services

The Student Services Division at Allan Hancock College has identified learning outcomes to support student programs and services. The assessment of those program learning outcomes and activities enables the college to understand its effectiveness and improve student services and support functions.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Admissions & Records Cal-Soap CAN/TRIO Career Center
Counseling EOPS/CARE/CalWorks Financial Aid Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
Library Services Non-Credit Student Success & Support Student Activities Student Health Services
Tutorial Services University Transfer Center    



PLO 1: Students will be able to navigate the admission and registration process to reach their academic goal. 

  • Activity 1: After interaction with an A&R staff member, students will be able to successfully register into classes.
  • Activity 2: Students will demonstrate an awareness of registration deadlines by registering for classes by the census date. 


PLO 1: To advise, motivate and inform students to attend college. 

  • Activity 1: Increase FAFSA/CADAA applications at Cabrillo High School, Lompoc High School and Maple High School. 
  • Activity 2: Review financial aid award letters to mediate financial aid barriers. 


  • SLO 1:  Student will be able to identify specific services and program requirements.
  • SLO 2:  Student exposure to university culture and admissions requirements help them choose their preferred transfer school(s).
  • SLO 3:  Student will identify a major and establish a Student Education Plan (SEP).
  • SLO 4:  Students will learn strategies to finance their education and apply for financial aid.
  • SLO 5:  Students will identify obstacles to their success and provide strategies and suggestions of necessary services/resources to remain in good academic standing.
  • SLO 6:  Students will establish a relationship with AHC/CAN-TRIO staff to develop self-efficacy skills to support college persistence and degree attainment.

career/job placement

  • SLO 1: Students will develop career ready skills, soft skills such as teamwork. networking, communication, etc.
  • SLO 2: Students will be able to identify a major/career to develop a Student Education Plan.
  • SLO 3: Students will be able to develop a resume.
  • SLO 4: Students will develop interviewing skills.

COUNSELING, Student Success & SUpport

  • SLO 1: Students are able to identify support services appropriate to their success.
  • SLO 2: Students are able to navigate online counseling resources.
  • SLO 3:  Students are able to identify barriers to their academic success and identify strategies and necessary services/resources.
  • SLO 4: Students are able to articulate short term and/or long term educational goal(s) and develop semester by semester plan.


  • SLO 1: Students will develop a student education plan.
  • SLO 2: Students will maintain good academic standing.
  • SLO 4: Students will be able to complete priority registration.
  • SLO 5: Students will be able to meet deadlines and requirements as contracted in EOPS.
  • SLO 6: Students will complete the financial aid process. 
  • SLO 7: (CalWORKs specific) Students will be able to identify major CalWORKs program requirements and services.


  • SLO 1: Students will be able to complete the financial aid application independently.
  • SLO 2: As a result of students getting front desk or online assistance with their FAFSA/Dream Act, students will independently complete the FAFSA or the Dream Act application.
  • SLO 3: As a result of students completing their financial aid task requirements, students selected will become familiar with the file verification completion process.


PLO 1: Students will be able to navigate the available LAP services in order to enhance their educational success. 

  • Activity 1: Request and use a disability related accommodation in a timely manner.

PLO 2: Students will demonstrate and discuss LAP services that are related to their disability 

  • Activity 2: Identify accommodations that are related to his or her disability. 
  • Activity 3: Use the learning strategies recommended by his or her disability specialist. 
  • Activity 4: Use adaptive computer technology related to disability. 


  • SLO 1: Navigate a library to find a variety of resources to answer information needs.
  • SLO 2: Define an information need by formulating a research question, problem, or issue in a manner that others in the discipline can readily understand.
  • SLO 3: Use the research process to efficiently locate an appropriate source of information for a problem or question.
  • SLO 4: Evaluate the quality of information sources for bias, currency, authority, accuracy, and coverage.
  • SLO 5: Use information ethically by citing sources and avoiding plagiarism.

NONCREDIT student success & support

PLO 1: Students will be able to navigate the educational system to reach their goal

  • Activity 1: After attending a noncredit new student orientation, students will schedule a counselor/staff appointment for follow-up services.   
  • Activity 2: Students will understand the transition process from NC to CR courses.   
  • Activity 3: Students will access NC counseling services to navigate the education system of the college. 
  • Activity 4: Student will be able to identify a major/career to develop a Student Education Plan. 
  • Activity 5: After attending a workshop/event, students will gain knowledge to support their academic, career, and/or personal goal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


  • SLO 1: ASBG and Student Clubs will organize and participate in civic and community causes, i.e., Bulldog Bow-WOW, Diversity Day, Cinco de Mayo, Christmas toy and food drive, blood drive.
  • SLO 2: ASBG and Student Club member will be able to identify resources and procedures needed to organize an event.
  • SLO 3: Demonstrate effective communication skills through various mediums across campus events, committees and departments.


PLO 1: Students will have an increase in understanding of their current health condition and demonstrate academic improvement after accessing student health services.    

  • Activity 1: Students accessing health services will score a minimum of 80% in retention rates.  
  • Activity 2: Students accessing health services will score a minimum of 70% in success rates.  
  • Activity 3: Students will have the opportunity to connect with community agencies for further support and services. 

TUTORIAL services

  • SLO 1: Students will successfully complete the courses in which they receive tutorial services.
  • SLO 2: Students will be able to identify their own learning styles.
  • SLO 3: Students will be able to identify and articulate their content related questions.
  • SLO 4: Students will be able to break down the subject matter into manageable steps to arrive at solutions.
  • SLO 5: Students will be able to apply study skills techniques for reading textbooks and other course materials.
  • SLO 6: Students will be able to utilize at least one notetaking method appropriate for their learning style.
  • SLO 7: Students will be able to prioritize their study time.
  • SLO 8: Students will be able to determine how much time is needed to be successful in a specific course.
  • SLO 9: Students will be able to make and use a time management schedule.


  • SLO 1: Students will develop a Comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEP) to meet their transfer goal.  
  • SLO 2: Identify males of color and provide targeted outreach to increase engagement with the University Transfer Center. 
  • SLO 3: Students will learn how to utilize key transfer tools such as, Transferbound,.  
  • SLO 4: Students will be able to identify different transfer opportunities and possibilities available. 
  • SLO 5: After attending a transfer workshop or event, students will schedule a counselor appointment for follow-up services.