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Student Ombuds


Allan Hancock College is an educational environment that fosters an educational culture that values equity and diversity and engages students in an inclusive learning environment. 

What is an ombudsperson?

The student ombudsperson is a resource for AHC students to confidentially discuss concerns or problems in a safe, comfortable and confidential environment.  The ombudsperson acts as an independent, impartial resource.  If a matter cannot be resolved through this office, a referral will be made.  Speaking with an ombudsperson is not a substitute for formal procedures, such a filing an official grievance.  The office is only able to offer guidance and support.  If you have a concern and are not sure of where to start, the ombudsperson can walk you through various options available to you. 

The ombudsperson does: 

  • Provide a safe place to discuss issues
  • Confidentially listen to you and your concern
  • Assist in clarifying issues
  • Explain college policies and procedures
  • Provide information regarding campus resources
  • Suggest referrals
  • Brainstorm and explore options
  • Mediate discussion between complainant and complainee
  • Keeps information confidential except as required by law

The ombudsperson does not: 

  • Replace or circumvent existing channels
  • Make decisions for the student
  • Set aside rules and regulations
  • Participate in formal grievance process
  • Determine "guilt" or "innocence" of those accused of wrong-doing
  • Receive official "notice" for the college about issues
  • Give legal advice
  • Identify individuals without permission, except as required by law

CONTACT the ombudsperson

Stephanie Robb, M.A. 
Director, Student Engagement and Community Outreach
1-805-922-6966, ext. 3734  
Building G, Santa Maria Campus, Room G105

Monday & Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Campus Resources: