College Now!
College Opportunities for High School Students
The College Now! Program provides a special opportunity for local high school and home school students (home schools must provide a current copy of their private school affidavit which also needs to be on file with the California Department of Education) to attend Allan Hancock College while attending high school.
College Now! enrollment is limited to students who reside and are enrolled in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo county high schools and home schools only.
College Now! is different than Concurrent Enrollment (college courses which are held at local high schools during bell schedule). If interested in the Concurrent Enrollment program, visit Concurrent Enrollment webpage.
The College Now! program supports the overall Allan Hancock College mission of fostering an educational culture that values equity and diversity and engages students in an inclusive learning environment. We offer pathways that encourage our student population to achieve personal, career, and academic goals.
AHC begins accepting College Now! paperwork:
- SUMMER 2025 - April 14, 2025
- FALL 2025 - April 15, 2025
- SPRING 2025 - Term 4-Currently accepting papework
Submission Deadline for College Now! Petitions:
- FALL 2025 - August 4, 2025
- SUMMER 2025 - May 27, 2025
- Term 4 (Spring 2025) - March 14, 2025
NOTE: The timely approval of petitions and appeals cannot be guaranteed for documents submitted after these dates.
Registration Dates for College Now! students who have submitted their paperwork AND have been cleared to register:
- SUMMER 2025 - May 12, 2025
- FALL 2025 - May 12, 2025
- All high school students must first meet with their high school counselor or guidance technician to discuss eligibility for enrollment. A principal or designee must approve selected coursework which indicates to Allan Hancock College that the coursework is not available at the high school.
- The College Now! (CN) is open to high school students in junior or senior status, only. Concurrent Enrollment (CE) is open to grades 9 through 12. CN and CE students may take up to a maximum of 6 units in summer, fall, and spring semesters and winter intersession.
- CN and CE students must complete the Allan Hancock College online credit admissions application. Additionally, students must complete the online registration process for each term.
- CN and CE students may only enroll in courses on the approved College Now Course Listing. CN and CE students must meet the stated prerequisites for all courses. Prerequisites may be met through courses completed or through the appeal process.
- Pre/co requisites are listed in the AHC catalog or current semester class schedule and are marked on the approved College Now Course Listing with an asterisk; a star next to the course requires an audition. High school students are not eligible to take courses at AHC if the courses are available at the high school.
- When submitting registration requests, home-schooled students must provide Allan Hancock College with a current copy of the private school affidavit on file with the California Department of Education.
- PE activity courses require permission of the instructor of record which may be granted the first day of the term, if enrollment in the PE course permits adding College Now! students.
- The total number of units earned, and grades received while enrolled in Allan Hancock College courses are recorded on the student’s college transcript and are part of their permanent record.
- In most cases, the enrollment fee is waived for CN and CE students. However, all other fees apply. Other fees may include health, parking, student center, and materials fees. CN and CE students are not required to pay nonresident fees. Failure to pay fees assessed at the time of registration will result in an administrative hold preventing future registration transactions. Additionally, if a CN and CE student appeals the unit limitation, and is approved for 12 or more units, the enrollment fee and tuition are no longer waived, and ALL fees apply.
- Once enrolled CN and CE students have the same rights and responsibilities that apply to all enrolled college students. For more information, please refer to the Student Records-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) located in the current college catalog or on the College Now! and Concurrent Enrollment information page.
- Allan Hancock College assumes no responsibility for the attendance records of CN and CE students.
- College Now! and Concurrent Enrollment is limited to students who reside and are enrolled in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo county high schools and home schools only.
- A CN and CE student is expected to complete all class requirements, maintain a 2.0 grade point average or higher in all college courses, and adhere to Allan Hancock College’s Guidelines for Student Conduct (refer to the College Catalog).
- Receiving substandard grades and/or failure to complete course work may result in academic probation as well as affect future financial aid eligibility.
- By entering a college environment, students who are minors will be exposed to educational settings designed for the adult learner that may involve topics that might be considered controversial in the secondary school setting. Also, if a class does not meet at its scheduled time (i.e. class ends early or is canceled), Allan Hancock College does not inform parents/ guardians nor will staff or the instructor assume responsibility for student once class is released.
- California Education Code requires that students who are still enrolled in high school, wishing to enroll at a California Community College, must be recommended by their principal or their designee. By approving, the principal or their designee has made the determination that the student is prepared for and can benefit from college level coursework and is recommended to enroll in selected courses and that the student has exhausted all opportunities to enroll in an equivalent course at their school of attendance. The instructor of record is legally prohibited from approving requested courses as the principal’s designee.
- Failure to comply with any of the conditions listed above and/or registering for non-approved courses/units will result in the student being administratively dropped from those courses/units and a loss of future College Now! and Concurrent Enrollment privileges.
- Apply for Admission to Allan Hancock College
- Meet with their high school counselor to discuss eligibility, academic requirements, and the rigor of college coursework.
- Only choose classes on the approved College Now! Course Listing
- Complete the following forms:
- College Now! Petition for Enrollment 2024-2025
- College Now! Appeal form (if applicable)
- Prerequisite Appeal (if applicable)
- NOTE: if you are appealing any MATH prerequisite/corequisite, you MUST request a recommendation letter from your current high school math teacher, which includes an assessment of your ability to succeed in the requested course and your current grade in the high school math class.
- Obtain necessary signatures: high school principal/designee AND parent/guardian
- Once you receive an email that your petition and/or appeal has been processed, you may enroll in a maximum of six (6) units per semester through myHancock portal.
- AHC begins accepting College Now! petitions:
- October 16, 2023 for WINTER 2024 and SPRING 2024 semesters
- Submission Deadlines for College Now! Paperwork:
- Winter 2024 - November 27
- Spring 2024 - January 8
- Submit the following documentation PRIOR to enrollment:
- College Now! Petition for Enrollment 2024-2025
- College Now! Appeal (if applicable)
- NOTE: Unofficial high school transcript is required to be submitted with the appeal.
- Prerequisite Appeal (if applicable)
- NOTE: If you are appealing any MATH prerequisite/corequisite, you MUST request a recommendation letter from your current high school math teacher, which includes an assessment of your ability to succeed in the requested course and your current grade in the high school math class
- Prerequisite Appeals are submitted online following instructions on AHC Counseling webpage.
- Send your completed forms AS A PACKET in PDF format by email to:
NOTE: The subject line of your email should include your FULL name and College Now!
For example: Spike Bulldog College Now! - Students must submit a separate Petition for Enrollment for EACH semester a student chooses to enroll.
- AHC begins accepting College Now! paperwork:
- April 18, 2024 for Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters
- The Enrollment Fee is waived for approved College Now! students. However, College Now! students must pay the Student Center (Santa Maria campus only), Student Representation, Health Fee, and Parking fees. Total fees will be approximately $20 to $46.50 per semester.
- Books are additional.
- All other fees, including Nonresident Tuition (if applicable), apply. Most nonresident College Now! students will not be required to pay nonresident fees; however, nonresident tuition is not waived for those students enrolled in high school as international exchange students.
- Fees are NOT waived for College Now! students enrolled in 12 or more units. If approved for 12 or more units, students must pay ALL fees.
Have questions? Check out our FAQ webpage!
Hancock College is committed to bringing face-to-face college courses to the Guadalupe community.
- Our goal is to create inclusive learning environments that value equity and diversity in Guadalupe.
- We offer academic and career education pathways that help students achieve their personnel, academic and career goals.
Starting January 21, 2025, classes will be held at the Guadalupe Veterans Hall. Two exciting options will be available: Communications Studies 101: Public Speaking and Psychology 101: General Psychology.
805-922-6966 ext 5200