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Employee Resource Guide

This page has a complilation of information and resources to help Hancock employees navigate the departments, procedures, and policies to do their jobs effectively.  It is meant to be used as a self-guided, as needed, resource. For many of the links and documents you will need a myHanock username and password. 

This site is an on-going, work in progress. 

An Introduction to Allan Hancock College

Mission Statement

Allan Hancock College fosters an educational culture that values equity and diversity and engages students in an inclusive learning environment. We offer pathways that encourage our student population to achieve personal, career, and academic goals through coursework leading to skills building, certificates, associate degrees, and transfer. Learn More

College History 

Learn about the college and Capt. G. Allan Hancock (


Understanding the organizational structure is important to learning about how decisions are made and who to contact for resources and/or reporting. 

View the Organizational Charts

Links to names & contact information:

Your contract has important information regarding your rights and requirements as a member of Allan Hancock College.

Administration & Staff: 

Faculty Contracts:

For questions relating to these documents, please reach out to your bargaining units. 

The college structure is designed to allow all members of the institution to participate in the planning and decision making processes. 

This process is referred to as Shared Governance.  Learn more about this process by:

With so many departments and committees, regulations and procedures the college often relies on arconym usage in documentation and communication.  Refer to this list of common acronyms to learn the lingo. 

Day to Day Needs

Our onsite Campus Graphics department offers a variety of services from copying to design and more. 

All myHancock users are set up with a campus graphics account which will charge orders to their respective departments. 

Visit the campus graphics page to learn more about their services and contact information.

To place an order, you will need to click on the Campus Graphics Link through your myHancock portal.  

The district will provide employees with basic office supplies necessary to their job functions (i.e. notebooks, writing utensils, markers, etc.).  Every department has a workroom where you can often find the supplies you need. Should you need any additional items, your department assistant can help facilitate the purchase. 

If you are in charge of purchasing for your department and are looking for guidance, please see the Staff Resources Page. 

If you need assistance with your district computer, phone or office programs call the ITS help desk   (805) 922-6966 ext. 3345 or place a work order

All of the forms you may need to submit can be accessed through your myHancock Portal.   

Using the search bar at the top of your portal, type the name of the document you need. 

You can also use the "forms" pages on the left hand navigation bar. 

How to Help Students

If you ever feel like a student is in danger to themselves or others, file a referral with:

Bulldog Intervention Team (BIT)

Support services to help students succeed in their classrooms include various types of tutoring and peer mentorship. Read more about those services and how to refer students here:  Tutorial Services

To help students access the things they need to succeed in the classroom such as technology and books refer them to these resources:

Counseling Services help provide academic and career guidance to students. 

Understanding the different types of counseling can help you refer students to the appropriate department. 

Counseling for Special Populations:

Students can also identify their counselors via their "Success Network" link in Successnet (accessible through myHancock). 

Students have access to basic health care services and mental health counseling (in person and through virtual partners).  Learn more about the services offered or how students can make an appointment bu visiting Student Health Center Webpage

Santa Maria Campus
Room W-12
805-922-6966 ext. 3212
Lompoc Valley Center
Room 1-109
805-735-3366 ext. 5207

There is also a Men's Support Group students are welcomed to join.  

To help students academically, we must be able to help them wholistically.  Hancock has numerous services and supports to help students overcome struggles they may be experiencing. 

Refer students to our Basic Needs Center for assistance with:

  • Childcare Assistance
  • Financial Support & Emergency Funds
  • Food & Housing Support
  • Health Services (Physical & Mental) 
  • Transportation Resources
  • & more

In order to address equity issues and help students succeed, Hancock has services available to specific populations.  These include: 

Navigating your Technology Tools

What tools are available to me?

  • Outlook: used for emailing and calendar
  • One Drive: Personal cloud storage for your files. 
  • Teams: used to connect with small working groups
  • Sharepoint: Shared documents and resources from councils and committees

Where can I access these? 

What help is available?

Coming soon! New portal launching Spring 2023

Video Tutorial Coming Soon

Shared Governance

At Allan Hancock College, the term “shared governance” refers to the decision making and planning process that integrates participation from every constituency group on campus.  The goal of shared governance is to provide an opportunity for meaningful participation in  ensuring the college's decisions align with the mission and values. 

The council/committee structure has been designed to integrate the daily operational work with the overarching college planning and ultimately the standards by which our college is evaluated (accrediting standards). The structure is designed to enhance the flow of information from the bottom up, from the top down, and among the various areas of the college laterally.

Constituency Groups 

• Academic Senate
• Administrators
• Associated Student Body Government
• California School Employees Association
• Faculty Association 
• Management Association
• Part-Time Faculty Association 
• Supervisory/Confidential


Councils are shared governance bodies that include representation from all eight college constituencies. They recommend and review district policy and procedures, review institutional performance, and make recommendations for institutional improvement


Committees have relevant campus representation and a functional focus. These committees may make recommendations regarding institutional operational practices as it relates to their areas of expertise. Standing committees report to a particular shared governance council and work with other councils as needed on an issue that is pertinent to that area.

Types of Committees:

  • Advisory Committees
    • Student Services
    • Academic Affairs
  • General Committees: require representation from each academic department.  Committees are each tasked with a  specific goal to serve the college. 
  • Academic Senate Committees


Any council/committee may establish a taskforce. A taskforce is a temporary group that addresses a specific task or project. Members are chosen based on their relationship to the processes under review, expertise about the issues, or ownership of potential solutions or outcomes.

View the Councils and Committees Pathways to Decisions for more detailed information. 

As a valued member of our campus community you are encouraged to become involved in decision making at Allan Hancock College. As a member of a constituency group you may have the opportunity to represent your colleagues and co-workers by serving on various types of councils/committees. 

Why Parcipate:

  • Fulfills contractual obligations for "college service"
  • Allows you to participate in college decision making
  • Provides an opportunity for inter-department collaboration. 
  • Provides an opportunity for you to contribute your special skills and knowledge

How to join a committee:

Read about the different committees and their goals in the CCPD to have a better understanding of which committee may align with your interest and goals. 

As committee vacancies arise, the Academic Senate president will call for willing faculty participants to serve. 

There are three committees that require one representative from each academic department on campus:

  • Academic Policy & Planning (AP&P) 
  • Academic Senate
  • Learning Outcomes & Assessment (LOAC)

Talk to your department chair about which committee you'd be interested in joining and/or which committee your department may need representation. 

Learn more about each committee:

  • Calendar/List when committees meet
  • Access committee documents and minutes through their SharePoint

Councils and Committees work together to provide strategic planning for the college's operations.  You can access all of the reports through the Institutional Effectiveness Webpage.

Role-Specific Resources