Guidelines and FAQs
- Library Users are expected to listen and adhere to library staff regarding the interpretation of rules.
- The count limit for materials is 10 items total. Items are due back at the end of their loan period. Failure to do so will constitute a misuse of library materials.
- The quiet study area is to remain quiet, the rest of the library accepts noise and collaboration amongst users within reason. Library staff reserve judgment on what they deem reasonable.
- 2+ people are required for GROUP study rooms. The max time allotted for any group is 2 hours. Room reservations must be made in person, otherwise it is first come first serve.
- Do not leave valuables unattended - the library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
- A Student ID card is required to check out any materials.
- Food and drinks can be enjoyed in the lobby, must be put away while in the library proper--water in sealable containers is okay.
- Cell phones should be on silent, and phone calls may be taken in the lobby only.
- Library computers are for research and school projects.
- All library visitors are held to the behaviors outlined in the Student Code of Conduct (BP 5500) and behavior counter to these guidelines may result in disciplinary measures as outlined in AP 5520.
- Misuse of library materials or resources may result in a user’s loss of loan privileges.
- Library users are expected to listen and adhere to Library and Tutorial staff regarding the interpretation of rules.
- The check-out limit for materials is 10 items total. Items are due back at the end of the loan period. Failure to do so will constitute a misuse of library materials.
- The Quiet Study area (east side of library) is to remain quiet, and the rest of the library accepts noise and collaboration amongst users within reason. Library and Tutorial staff reserve judgment on what they deem reasonable.
- LVC Library Conference Rooms: 1) Please see the Conference Room Policy located in each conference room. 2) Reservation information is posted on each conference room door.
- Personal items are not to be left unattended - the library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
- A current AHC Student ID card is required to check out any materials and to use OACL computers.
- Food and drinks can be enjoyed in the foyer or outside, and must be put away while in the library proper. Water in sealable containers is okay.
- Cell phones should be on silent, and phone calls may be taken outside.
- Library/OACL computers are for research and school projects. Other use may be deemed as misuse.
- All visitors are held to the behaviors outlined in the Student Code of Conduct (BP 5500) and behavior counter to these guidelines may result in disciplinary measures as outlined in AP 5520.
- Misuse of library materials or resources may result in a user’s loss of loan privileges.
- How do I find out if the library has a book or film that I need?
- Do the libraries have textbooks to checkout for my courses?
- Who may borrow materials from the libraries?
- Do I need a library card to check out books and other items from the libraries?
- How long may library materials be checked out?
- Can materials be renewed? Can I renew online?
- Where do I return materials? How can I return library materials when the libraries are closed?
- What happens if I do not return library materials by the due date?
- What should I do if I lose the materials I have checked out?
- How do I access library databases from home?
- Can I bring food into the library?
- Can I use my cell phone?
- Is there access to Wi-Fi in the libraries?
- Where can I find a computer? Are there limits on how much time I can spend on a computer or the type of work I do on it?
- Do the libraries have copy machines? Printers (b/w and color)? Wireless printers?
- Where do I go if I need help while visiting the library?
- Can I get help with my research without coming to the library?
- Can I check out materials from Cal Poly?
- Does the library provide test proctoring services?
- Are you open when school is not in session?
- Can I donate books to the library?
- Service animal policy
How do I find out if the library has a book or film that I need? Use the library catalog to search for books and media we own at the Santa Maria campus and Lompoc Valley Center. The library catalog even provides links to eBooks, articles, and streaming videos.
Do the libraries have textbooks to checkout for my courses? Yes, the libraries have textbooks for many (but not all) courses at the checkout desk, in the Books for Bulldogs collection and online. Please note: textbooks that are part of the Course Reserves collection are for library use only and there is a 2 hour checkout period for these textbooks.
Who may borrow materials from the libraries? Library materials may be borrowed by current students, faculty and staff. Non-students can apply for a community borrower’s card (annual donation of $25 for community borrowers).
Do I need a library card to check out books and other items from the libraries? Your Allan Hancock College student ID is your library card. Your ID must be current and you must have it present to check out anything from the library.
How long may library materials be checked out? Most books check out for three weeks. Course reserve items check out for two hours. Other items vary- please ask a librarian.
Can materials be renewed? Can I renew online? Most books will be automatically renewed as long as no other person has requested the item. Books are limited to two renewals, so a total of 9 weeks checked out. If a request has been placed on a title that you have checked out, you will be blocked from renewing it and must return it to the library by the original due date. You will be notified via your AHC email.
Where do I return materials? How can I return library materials when the libraries are closed? If you are inside the library, please return checked-out materials to the checkout desk (there are book drop slots in the desk). If you have pulled materials off the shelf and no longer need them, there are book bins throughout the libraries where you can deposit them. Library book drops are available 24/7/365 just outside of the libraries and, on the Santa Maria campus, at the southwest corner of the Academic Resource Center. Materials are picked up daily by the library staff. All book drops are for items excluding technology: laptops, hotspots, etc.
What happens if I do not return library materials by the due date? As a courtesy to other students, please return all materials by the due date. You will be sent a reminder email to your myHancock account 3 days before an item is due. Once it becomes overdue, you will receive several warning emails before you are billed for a lost book. Once you are billed, the Admissions and Records office is notified and you will not be able to register for classes or receive transcripts until the item is returned or the fee paid.
What should I do if I lose the materials I have checked out? Notify the library immediately. You will be required to pay the cost of lost materials plus a processing fee. In some cases (subject to approval) you may bring in an identical new copy of the lost item.
How do I access library databases from home? When you click on a link for a library database from off campus, a window pops up asking for your myHancock username and password (same as your AHC email). Once you supply this information you will be granted access to the databases. Any issues connecting please chat or email a librarian.
Can I bring food into the library? Please do not bring food into the libraries since it attracts insects and rodents. You may bring drinks that have a screw or spill-proof lid into the library but please refrain from drinking near the computers. In Santa Maria, food and drinks are allowed in the lobby lounge.
Can I use my cell phone? As a courtesy to other students, please set your cell phone (or other device) to vibrate or turn it off while you are in the main part of the library. In Santa Maria, cell phone use is allowed in the lobby lounge. If you need to take/make a call please step into the lobby or outside.
Is there access to Wi-Fi in the libraries? Yes. Depending on your device, you will connect to the AHC wifi through your network settings and select Allan_Hancock_College as the network. From there you will be prompted to enter your myHancock login/password to connect. Once you have logged in you should never have to re-connect again on campus.
Where can I find a computer? Are there limits on how much time I can spend on a computer or the type of work I do on it? In Santa Maria, there are PCs near the reference desk. Additional computers can be found in the Open Access Computer Lab located next door in the Academic Resource Center (ARC), Building L-South. In Lompoc, the Open Access Computer Lab is located in the library and provides 47 PCs. There are no time limits for computer use but they can only be used for research and school assignments. If students are waiting for a computer and you are seen to not be using yours you may be asked to move to accomodate others.
Do the libraries have copy machines? Printers (b/w and color)? Wireless printers? Copy machines are located in the libraries and copying costs $0.10/page. Black and white printers (for computer use) also are available and printing is free and limited to 20 pages. The Lompoc Valley Center campus library also has both black and white and color printing and printing is free and limited to 20 pages. Simply print from a library PC and pickup your pages from the Checkout Desk. The libraries do not have wireless printers. For large print jobs, in black and white or color, we recommend using Campus Graphics.
Where do I go if I need help while visiting the library? If you need help finding a book or article or getting started doing library and online research, stop by the Reference Desk and our librarians will assist you. If you need help with borrowing, returning, or renewing items, please stop by the Checkout Desk.
Can I get help with my research without coming to the library? During the hours we are open, you may contact a librarian by calling the Reference Desk at either the Santa Maria campus library or the LVC campus library, by emailing a librarian or using the live chat service: Ask a Librarian.
Can I check out materials from Cal Poly? Allan Hancock College students may use the Cal Poly Kennedy Library at no charge. You can apply for a Cal Poly community borrower’s card at the Kennedy Library if you wish to check out materials from their collections (requires a valid school ID, or evidence of current registration for classes, plus a photo ID).
Does the library provide test proctoring services? No. Contact the Testing Center at ext. 3364 for proctoring information.
Are you open when school is not in session? No.
Can I donate books to the library? The library does accept limited donations, however, we ask that you do not drop them off without first speaking with a librarian. Please email us at for more information and instructions. Please see the AHC Board Policy/AP 3820 for specific information regarding the donation of library materials- pg. 4.
Can I bring my service animal into the library? Yes, we abide by the AHC Board Policy 3440 which "allow an individual with a disability to use a service animal or miniature horse in District facilities and on District campuses in compliance with state and federal law." For more information, please see the BP. All other pets and animals are not allowed in the libraries.