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Instructor Digitization Request Form

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This form is for instructors only. We are not able to digitize materials for students. If you have questions, please chat with us or email us at
Digitization Requests are for instructors who would like to recommend a complete textbook be added to the online course reserve collection. We do not scan novels or magazines. Online textbooks are available as PDFs loaned to students for 2 hours. Downloads are not available. Your scanned books will be made available here in the library catalog. Fulfillment of requests is dependent upon availability of textbook, available funds, circulation staff availability, and length of text. We also will accept your donated textbook to be scanned. 

Please go through the following checklist before completing the digitization request: 

  1. Check to see if your book is already available in our collection. No? Proceed to #2.
  2. Is your book an OER (OpenStax, BCcampus, etc)? Yes- please email us and do not fill out this form. No? Fill out the form below.
Borrower Information
Anything else we need to know? Will you be filling out additional requests at a later time? If so, please specify what you will be requesting in the future, so staff can begin preparing. Will you be moving to a new edition of your textbook soon?