Administrative Service Area Outcomes
The various administrative units at Allan Hancock College have identified outcomes to support their areas. The assessment of those outcomes enables the college to understand its effectiveness and improve administrative functions.
- SAO 1: Close AHC Foundation books within two weeks of month end.
- SAO 2: Process all Accounts Payable within the vendor terms.
- SAO 3: Process Bookstore and AHC Foundation payroll on-time with 99% accuracy.
- SAO 4: Perform at least one random Bookstore safe count each month.
- SAO 5: Provide a 12 business day maximum turnaround on green sheets that are complete, comply with appropriate codes and have required back-up and authorization.
- SAO 1: Maintain a positive fund balance at fiscal year-end.
- SAO 2: Achieve 65% average capacity in all venues.
- SAO 3: Provide monthly financial package to PCPA Managers with summary of results within two weeks of month-end.
- SAO 4: Establish a bi-monthly payroll for hourly employees and monthly payroll for exempt salaried employees by the 26th of each month.
- SAO 5: Update Employee Handbook and keep current each year.
- SAO 6: Provide patrons with excellent service at the box office.
- SAO 7: Ensure patrons have a safe and pleasant experience while attending productions.
- SAO 8: Optimize box office staffing to provide maximum customer service at minimum cost per hour (goals to be determined).
- SAO 9: Collaborate with the PCPA Foundation to evaluate the role and mission of the PCPA Foundation as a supporting organization of PCPA in an effort to grow contributed income and development activities.
- SAO 10: Continue focus on audience development.
- SAO 11: Develop and implement a formal plan and process for funding equipment and technology requirements.
- SAO 1: Implement Bookstore staff reorganization.
- SAO 2: Expand rental program.
- SAO 3: Develop campus partnering program.
- SAO 4: Develop structured student employee position and training program.
- SAO 5: Revise website.
- SAO 6: Restore Bookstore profitability.
- SAO 7: Implement revised internal control procedures and hardware.
- SAO 1: Timely distribution of student refunds.
- SAO 2: Successful implementation of online parking permit system.
- SAO 1: Provide professional and responsive customer service.
- SAO 2: Provide professional and quality graphic communication services and products.
- SAO 3: Provide timely completion of CG Projects.
- SAO 4: Offer services most needed by the college and the non-profit customers.
- SAO 1: Reduction in crime.
- SAO 2: Increase in number of crimes solved.
- SAO 3: Overall feeling of safety on campus.
Facilities SERVICES
- SAO 1: Maintenance – Reduce the time frame for completing repair work orders to within one week from submittal to completion.
- SAO 2: Custodial – Improve cleaning efficiency of custodial staff by improving cleaning methods and equipment to maintain Level III Cleanliness.
- SAO 3: Grounds – Reduce the campus grounds water usage and improve the landscaping with more native vegetation.
- SAO 4: Transportation – Improve staff transportation and reduce fossil fuel costs by adding more alternative fuel vehicles.
- SAO 1: Engage in timely, accurate communication with donors.
- SAO 2: Successfully acquire resources to address the college's identified critical needs.
- SAO 3: Maintain compliance with all Federal, State, and District standards to enable the AHC Foundation to continue to operate as a non-profit organization.
- SAO 4: Build awareness among college employees of how the AHC Foundation can support their programs.
- SAO 1: The institution maintains a sufficient number of qualified staff with full-time responsibility to the institution.
- SAO 2: The institution has a sufficient number of support staff and administrators with appropriate preparation and experience to provide the administrative services necessary to support the institution's mission and purposes.
- SAO 1: Employees are provided with the technology resources needed to accomplish their functions.
- SAO 2: Employees are satisfied with the outcomes of their technology support requests.
- SAO 1: The college community is informed of grant funding opportunities and is assisted in developing competitive proposals to support educational programs and student services in alignment with the district's strategic plan and annual priorities.
- SAO 2: The capacity of the college to develop proposals and administer sponsored programs is enhanced.
- SAO 3: Campus and community collaborations/partnerships are strengthened and relationships with campus departments that are essential to the success of grant projects are enhanced.
Institutional Effectiveness
- SAO 1: Respond to requests for data by date needed.
- SAO 2: Complete federal and state reports by due dates.
- SAO 3: Provide access to common program review / annual updates data.
- SAO 4: Archive program review and annual updates documents.
Public Affairs and CommunicationS
- SAO 1: Enhance/increase communication to students, staff and the public via social media channels.
- SAO 2: Increase web traffic and "self serve" options for students and the public to access college information.
- SAO 3: Provide valuable real-time information via the Student Helpdesk.