Transferring to a University
Transferring to a four year university is no different in preparation and course work if you are a U.S. citizen or non-citizen. The difference is the type of financial aid and resources that are available to AB 540/Dream Act students. Worries of being able to afford college because of your status should not hinder you from transferring. In addition to a savings plan and working, if you are able to work, you will have to be resourceful in seeking scholarships, grants, support, and resources from the universities you are considering attending.
Allan Hancock College
University Transfer Center
The Allan Hancock College UTC has workshops, visits to four-year universities and
other resources to help you transfer to the four-year of your choice.
University of California (UC)
University of California Resources for Undocumented Students
The UC has an extensive website on information regarding how to apply, financial aid,
campus support etc.
Tips for applying to the University of California
Helpful tips for going through the application process for the UC as an undocumented
California State University (CSU)
Tips for applying to CSU
CSU admissions process for AB-540 students
Additional Campus Resources
Links to programs and resources at the CSU campuses: