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Video Captioning

Allan Hancock College is mandated by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act to provide equal access to all educational material, including videos, to students who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing. This means that all video materials shown in class or online must be closed-caption and more specifically:

  • All new videos purchased must be closed-captioned.
  • All videos must be closed-captioned before they are shown whether there is a Deaf or hard-of-hearing person student is present or not.
  • All videos made available to students through Canvas or any other online environment must be closed-captioned.

Captioning Checklist

  • Check with the Learning Resource Center (LRC) for a closed-captioned version of your video. Library staff may be able to assist in finding a substitute title.
  • Free closed-captioned videos are also available through many websites, ie. (Please check the captioning for accuracy before showing the video in class or online.) If a closed-captioned version is not available at the LRC, place a request to purchase a captioned version of your video through your department secretary.
  • If a captioned version of your video is not available through any of the above resources, please email Nancy Hernandez at to learn about resources available and how to caption.
  • Remember: Utilizing accessible content is the responsibility of each instructor

We will need to know:

  • Do you have copyright permission from the publisher to caption video(s)?
  • What is the format? (Digital Video? YouTube?  Is it your own clip?)

On campus captioning services

For video support for instructors wanting to create educational content or review and editing of instructor’s captioned video from outsourced captioning services contact: 

For assistance for very short videos, assistance sending longer videos to off-campus captioning company, or review of video content contact:

Nancy Hernandez
Alternative Media Specialist for Learning Assistance Program
805-922-6966 ext. 3788


Caption Services

For more information or assistance with the following services, please contact Nancy Hernandez,, ext. 3788 or YouTube
This is a “how to” video for YouTube captioning from The National Center on Disability and Access to Education

Example Caption

Example Transcript