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College for Kids

Welcome to CFK!

College for Kids (CFK) and Teens is designed to provide an enjoyable and challenging learning experience and to develop a hunger and thirst for knowledge and learning experiences at an early age.

Complete the Registration forms now before it's too late!



Community Education
Ashleigh Valero
805-347-7553, ext. 3209

Hancock Horizons - This 4-week program allows students going into 9th - 12th grade to prepare for college level writing and math expectations, along with personal and career exploration. Students will be participating in all of the program courses giving them exposure to various career. 

Program Cost: $260

Program Application: Space is limited and students will be selected through a lottery process. Application deadline is June 30, 2024. (Click here to apply.)

Program Orientation: July 1 at 6 p.m.

Program Details:

  • July 8 through August 1
  • Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

English Language Support Course:

  • July 12 through August 2

Course List:

  • Math
  • Reading and Writing
  • Future Scholars
  • Future Professionals
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Automotive Mechanics and Technology
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Plants and Animals in Agriculture including Veterinary Technician
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Robotics and Electronics
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Welding and Machining
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Engineering
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Architectural Design and Computer-Aided
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Environmental Health and Safety
  • Exploring a Career in STEM: Life and Physical Sciences


  • Guardians are responsible for arranging transportation for their teen. Bus passes are available for all Allan Hancock Students with a Hancock ID number. Visit AHC’s Basic Needs Transportation Resources.

Other Information:

  • Pre-registration is required! Register in person by completing and submitting the Fee-Based/College for Kids Registration Form.
  • Submit the form along with the class enrollment and material fee(s); use only one form per each student (the form may be duplicated). Registrations are processed in the order they are received in the Community Education office on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Parents are not allowed to sit in or audit classes without prior permission of the instructor.
  • Your child's safety is important to us. Therefore, we do not provide enrollment or registration information on any of the CFK students via the phone. In order to verify parent or guardianship status, these inquiries must be done in person.
  • CFK Parent/Guardian Guidelines
  • Acknowledgement and Assumption of Potential Risk

Program Guidelines:

  • The age requirements for each course vary from 4 to 18 years. Please read the schedule carefully to ensure the student's age falls within the age boundaries listed. All classes are coed unless noted otherwise.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which will facilitate instruction and the learning process. Disruptive students will be dismissed from the program. No refunds will be given.
  • Classes meet Monday through Saturday at varying times and start on varying dates.
  • Please read the class schedule carefully. Classes start throughout the semester.

Injury/Accident Disclaimer

  • Students enrolled in the college's noncredit and fee-based programs must be aware that some classes/activities have an inherent potential risk of injury.
  • Participation in these classes is voluntary and you assume the risk of injury and responsibility for any risks that may be associated with the activities.
  • Further, be advised that fee-based students do not pay a Health Supervision and Services Fee, and therefore do not have coverage under the college accident insurance policy for injuries that result from participating in the fee-based programs.


  • Transportation to and from the college and field trip locations are the responsibility of the parents. Allan Hancock College is not responsible for students' actions while not in class.
  • Parents should walk their children to and from each class. Parents should pick up children at the college in a timely manner.
  • If a child remains more than 15 minutes after a class, the instructor will take the student to the Community Education office, bldg. S, or Campus Police and a parent or guardian will be called.

Refund Policy for Fee-Based classes:

  • Community Education does not provide student refunds for fee-based classes once the class starts. It is the student's responsibility to drop the class one day before the class starts in order to request a refund. No refunds are provided once the class starts or ends.
  • If we cancel a class before the first session, a full credit will reflect on your account.
  • If you drop a class before the first class meeting, you are entitled to a refund only if you request a refund. (See How Do I Receive My Refund instructions.) You will receive a full refund of your class fee and materials fees. Exceptions to the deadline may be allowed for extenuating circumstances occurring before the first day of class. To petition for an exception for a refund after class starts, please submit a letter of appeal and appropriate documentation to the Community Education office. No refunds will be granted for classes that you drop after the first day of class.
  • To obtain a refund, please complete the Refund Request form at the Community Education office (bldg. S) within the established guidelines mentioned above.

Fall Schedule

CFK 8000 - Beginning Ballet I

  • This is a beginning class for students with no previous ballet training. Learn basic ballet exercises, positions, and steps at the ballet barre and from the center of the floor. Ages: 6-12
CRN Meeting Time Location Date Weeks  Cost
22282 S 10:00am-10:50am F-137 9/8-11/9 10 $138

CFK 8001 - Beginning Ballet II

  • This is a more advanced beginning class for the young dancer who has had at least one year of ballet training. Learn more center floor combinations and steps, and prepare for Intermediate Ballet. Ages: 7-13
CRN Meeting Time Location Date Weeks  Cost
22283 S 11:00am-11:50am F-137 9/8-11/9 10 $138

CFK 8015 - Introduction to Ballet

  • Introduce your child to the fun and beauty of ballet and watch his or her self-esteem bloom! In this class, young students learn simple ballet steps, combinations, and creative movement. Ages: 4-5
CRN Meeting Time Location Date Weeks  Cost
22258 T 3:15pm-4:15pm CBC-33 9/8-11/12 10 $138

CFK 8021A - Beg/Int Ballet Folklorico

  • Learn basic folkloric steps, combinations, and concepts of stage presence. Students learn dances of different Mexican regions including Jalisco, Chihuahua, and Veracruz. Ages 6-8
CRN Meeting Time Location Date Weeks  Cost
22280 S 9:00am-9:50am F-134 9/8-11/9 10 $138

CFK 8021B - Beg/Int Ballet Folklorico

  • Learn basic folkloric steps, combinations, and concepts of stage presence. Students learn dances of different Mexican regions including Jalisco, Chihuahua, and Veracruz. Ages 9-16
CRN Meeting Time Location Date Weeks  Cost
22281 S 10:00am-10:50am F-134 9/8-11/9 10 $138



Community Information

College for Kids (CFK) program was started in 1984 and is sponsored by the Community Education Department to make educational opportunities available to the youth of our communities.

The program is self-supporting and does not receive financial support from taxpayer-generated funds. All of the classes are fee-based (fees vary), and registration must be completed in person at Community Education (Bldg. S) on the AHC Santa Maria campus.