Curriculum Proposal Review and Approval Process
New Curriculum Proposals
New course and program curriculum proposals require a full review by the curriculum committee. New curriculum proposals should be well planned with special attention to established processes and deadlines prior to submitting in CurriQunet.
Curriculum Modifications
Major modifications to a program or course will trigger a complete analysis and review for an integrated course outline of record and/or review of program goals and objectives. Major modifications may include, but not limited to, changes to objectives and outcomes, course/program hours/units, prerequisites, changes to course discipline placement, etc.
Minor modifications to a program or course outline of record will be reviewed by the curriculum committee and placed on the consent agenda. A minor modification proposal may be submitted if the modification(s) do not substantially change the overall scope of the course, or program, and do not materially affect the standards (statutory or regulatory) by which the course was approved. Minor revisions will be pre-screened prior to being placed on the consent agenda for committee action and vote. It will be the purview of the AP&P Committee to remove any minor modification proposal from the consent agenda to place on the regular agenda for further review and discussion.