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Academic Senate Policies

Policy In a teaching and learning institution, all administrators, particularly the Superintendent/President, have a significant impact on the faculty and consequently on student success, which is at the core of the College’s mission statement. While Board Policy 2110 (Administrative Evaluations) specifically states that it “does not pertain to the Superintendent/President, which is evaluated by the Board of Trustees,” the AHC Academic Senate believes that the faculty and staff are affected by administrators at all levels.

The Academic Senate recognizes that the Board of Trustees has complete purview in the evaluation of the Superintendent/President in all matters including employment. However, given the faculty’s central role in the operation and mission of the college and their contribution as experts in their discipline, the Academic Senate believes that the faculty should have a voice in the evaluation of the Superintendent/President, as in the case with all other administrators.

The AHC Academic Senate agrees with the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges Model Academic Administrator Evaluation Policy. This document states that the evaluation process is designed to make sure administrators are individuals “who can lead, organize, plan, and supervise; who understand the needs of faculty and the learning process; and who value institutional governance based on a genuine sharing of responsibility with faculty colleagues…”

Evaluations are conducted specifically to:

  • Recognize and acknowledge good performance,
  • Enhance satisfactory performance and help administrators further their own growth,
  • Identify weak performance and assist administrators in achieving needed improvement, and
  • Document unsatisfactory performance.

As is the case in all employee evaluations, confidentiality is critical in the process.

The Academic Senate hereby sets forth a process that will provide faculty a formal mechanism to have a voice in the evaluation of the Superintendent/President.  


  1. The Academic Senate will appoint the Administrator Review Committee (4‐6 members one of who shall be a Senate Executive committee member) which will conduct the evaluation.
  2. A comprehensive questionnaire/survey that captures the functions and tasks of the Superintendent/President, as delineated in the job announcement was developed and will be used. The committee will distribute the questionnaires to faculty and college responses which will be anonymous.  
  3. Results of this evaluation will be shared with the Superintendent/President and an invitation will be extended to meet with the committee to review and discuss the results.
  4. The Superintendent/President evaluation will be conducted annually in the spring semester.
  5. The committee will prepare a summary of the evaluation and forward a copy to the Superintendent/President and each member of the Board of Trustees. The Academic Senate President, as the keeper of all Academic Senate records, will receive an official copy form the Administrative Review committee and will safeguard its confidentiality.
  6. Though the evaluation is confidential, the Academic Senate encourages the Superintendent/President to share with the College community their general responses to the evaluation results in order to enhance communication and complete the feedback loop.

Faculty Evaluation of Superintendent/President Form

Academic Senate Policy on Textbooks Approved at AS meeting 11/26/2013

The Academic Senate reaffirms that the official course outline of record determines the textbook options for a course.  It is the responsibility of the departments to choose textbooks, consider whether to allow alternatives, decide whether a text is required, and ensure these options are reflected in the official course outline of record.